Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Perilaku Personal Hygiene Pada Lansia Kelurahan Bitowa Kecamatan Manggala


  • Suriati Arif Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia Timur
  • Jurnal Syarif Analis Kesehatan Universitas Indonesia Timur


Elderly is a gift. Aging (getting old) is a process of gradual loss of the ability of tissue to repair itself or replace and maintain its normal function so that it cannot withstand infection and repair the damage suffered, although it can be said that the aging process is a natural condition and cannot be avoided in the phase of life. Personal hygiene is an important factor in maintaining an individual's health. Personal hygiene behavior in the elderly that must be met, namely basic needs that include skin cleanliness, scalp and hair cleanliness, eye, ear, nose cleanliness, oral cavity and teeth cleanliness, hand, foot and nail cleanliness. Improving personal hygiene and protection against unfavorable environments are special protections that can affect the level of health. For this reason, in behaving personal hygiene, the elderly really need family support. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between family support and personal hygiene behavior in the elderly in Bitoa Village, Manggala District, the type of research used was quantitative research using an analytical survey research design with a cross-sectional approach and sampling techniques with consideration of certain criteria using a questionnaire on 49 respondents. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling. Data analysis using the Spearman Rho test. The results show family support with a good category of 42 respondents (85%) and a less category of 7 respondents (14.3%) and good personal hygiene behavior of 41 respondents (83.7%) and a less category of 8 respondents (16.3%)

Keywords: Family Support, Personal Hygiene Behavior




How to Cite

Arif, S., & Syarif, J. (2024). Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Perilaku Personal Hygiene Pada Lansia Kelurahan Bitowa Kecamatan Manggala. Indonesia Timur Journal of Public Health, 1(1), 1–10. Retrieved from https://jurnalfkmuit.id/index.php/itjph/article/view/89