Indonesia Timur Journal of Public Health 2024-08-24T01:48:12+00:00 Suriati Open Journal Systems Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Perilaku Personal Hygiene Pada Lansia Kelurahan Bitowa Kecamatan Manggala 2024-08-23T01:39:25+00:00 Suriati Arif Jurnal Syarif <p><em>Elderly is a gift. Aging (getting old) is a process of gradual loss of the ability of tissue to repair itself or replace and maintain its normal function so that it cannot withstand infection and repair the damage suffered, although it can be said that the aging process is a natural condition and cannot be avoided in the phase of life. Personal hygiene is an important factor in maintaining an individual's health. Personal hygiene behavior in the elderly that must be met, namely basic needs that include skin cleanliness, scalp and hair cleanliness, eye, ear, nose cleanliness, oral cavity and teeth cleanliness, hand, foot and nail cleanliness. Improving personal hygiene and protection against unfavorable environments are special protections that can affect the level of health. For this reason, in behaving personal hygiene, the elderly really need family support. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between family support and personal hygiene behavior in the elderly in Bitoa Village, Manggala District, the type of research used was quantitative research using an analytical survey research design with a cross-sectional approach and sampling techniques with consideration of certain criteria using a questionnaire on 49 respondents. Determination of the sample using purposive sampling. Data analysis using the Spearman Rho test. The results show family support with a good category of 42 respondents (85%) and a less category of 7 respondents (14.3%) and good personal hygiene behavior of 41 respondents (83.7%) and a less category of 8 respondents (16.3%)</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Family Support, Personal Hygiene Behavior</em></p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesia Timur Journal of Public Health Hubungan Karakteristik Individu Terhadap Perilaku Aggressive Driving Pada Pengemudi Angkutan Kota Di Kota Makassar 2024-08-14T14:03:50+00:00 Jusman Usman Rosdiana Rida Rahma Sri Susanti Irpandi Papra <p>Aggressive driving behavior often occurs in drivers who are indifferent to safety but drive in a reasonable state. Aggressive driving is driving behavior under emotional disturbances that impose a level of risk on road users. The study aims to determine individual characteristics (age, education, marital status and driver status) on aggressive driving behavior in city transportation drivers. The type of research is observational with a cross-sectional study design. The population and sample are all city transportation drivers, totaling 117 drivers. The sampling technique uses total sample (exhaustive sampling) and data analysis uses chi square and logistic regression. The results of the study showed that age (P = 0.240) was not related to aggressive driving behavior. Education (P = 0.001), marital status (P = 0.001), driver status (P = 0.001) are related to aggressive driving behavior. While the most related variable is driver status (Exp. (B) = 7.250). The conclusion obtained is that aggressive driving by drivers in driving is greatly influenced by factors of education, marital status and driver status. It is expected that the government, especially the transportation department, will facilitate transportation drivers to improve their driving knowledge in order to minimize accidents.</p> <p> </p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesia Timur Journal of Public Health Pengaruh Dukungan Finansial Orang Tua Terhadap Quarter Life Crisis 2024-08-24T01:48:12+00:00 Joko Purwanto Dewi Anggreini Munaing <p>The Impact of Monetary Help on the Group of four Existence of Emergency of Definite Year Understudies, Workforce of Brain science, College of East Indonesia. The point of this examination is to decide the impact of monetary help on the Group of four Existence of Emergency of conclusive year understudies at the Personnel of Brain research, College of East Indonesia. The examination strategy utilizes quantitative exploration with a soaked testing procedure where the whole populace is utilized as an example. The example in this examination is 40 understudies with 20 articulation things for the Social Help variable and 20 things for the Group of four Existence of Emergency variable. Information examination was utilized with the assistance of SPSS 26 for Windows to test ordinariness and linearity, as well as testing speculations with basic relapse. The consequences of this examination show a worth of F = 26.473 with a meaning of 1,100 (P&lt;1,05) which shows that there is an impact of Monetary Help on the Existence of Emergency Group of four of Definite Year Understudies at the Personnel of Brain science, College of East Indonesia.</p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesia Timur Journal of Public Health PENGARUH PEMBERIAN AIR REBUSAN DAUN KEMANGI DAN DAUN SIRIH HIJAU PADA IBU PESERTA KB IUD YANG MENGALAMI KEPUTIHAN (FLOUR ALBUS} 2024-08-20T03:29:07+00:00 Yurniati Rosmiati <p>Background: IUD is a contraceptive device inserted into the uterus (IUD) made of polyethylene, equipped with nylon thread. Vaginal discharge is the discharge of fluid other than blood from the vagina, either smelly or odorless and accompanied by itching in the female area. Vaginal discharge can be divided into two parts, namely normal or physiological vaginal discharge and abnormal or pathological vaginal discharge. Pathological vaginal discharge that is not treated properly causes pelvic inflammatory disease and can cause infertility. One of the non-pharmacological therapies is the administration of Ocimum Basilicum (basil leaves) and Pipper Betle L (green betel leaf) boiled water. Objective: to analyze the effect of administering Ocimum bacilicum (basil leaves) and Pipper Betle L (green betel leaf) on vaginal discharge in mothers using IUD at TPMB Rosmiati, S.ST. Results: This study shows that boiled water from green betel leaves is more effective than boiled water from basil leaves, so it is concluded that boiled water from betel leaves is more effective than boiled water from basil leaves. Conclusion: Boiled water from green betel leaves is more effective than boiled water from basil leaves in overcoming vaginal discharge (flour albus) in mothers participating in IUD KB at TPMB Rosmiati, S.ST</p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesia Timur Journal of Public Health Literatur Riview : Pencegahan Peningkatan Kasus Tuberkulosis Dengan Menemukan Kasus Aktif TB Di Masyarakat 2024-08-13T02:55:24+00:00 Marhtyni Natsir Nismawati Natsir Nurul Aulia <p>Indonesia ranks third with the highest prevalence of Tuberculosis (TB) in the world. It is estimated that 27% of TB cases globally are undiagnosed so WHO in The End TB strategy calls for all people with TB to be diagnosed, treated and informed. This study aims to determine the benefits of preventing an increase in TB cases by finding active cases in the community. The research method was carried out by conducting a literature review of the results of research in the last 10 years. Literature reviewed were journals published on Pubmed, Elsevier, Scinapse, Plos One, and Google Schoolar. Other sources included textbooks from libraries, national and international health reports, theses and dissertations. 25 journals (national and international) were selected. The results of the study stated that Indonesia is included in the three High Burden Countries (HBC) indicators which explain that TB cases in Indonesia are high, both from the number of active TB cases, the prevalence of TB cases with HIV and TB cases with Multidrug Resistant. Indonesia is among 22 countries that account for approximately 80% of all new TB cases each year. Therefore, efforts are needed to reduce TB cases in the community, both active TB cases, TB cases with HIV and TB cases with MDR-TB. Efforts can be made with the Active Case Finding (ACF) TB method in the community, one of which is by using the expert gene method. The discovery of active TB cases in the community will break the chain of TB transmission, but this ACF cannot run optimally if it does not involve all elements, especially in the surrounding environment, so it is necessary to increase IEC related to TB, one of which is by utilizing local keraifan-based communication media. With the increase in IEC, knowledge will also increase. Based on the study conducted, it is concluded that the utilization of local wisdom-based IEC is expected to increase the number of ACF in the community.</p> 2024-08-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Indonesia Timur Journal of Public Health